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DR.S.C. Gulhane inspiration to many in the field of education. As teachers he is having all the charactrstics which is the needed for a Ideal teacher. We can start which nice human being. He is a fanstastic her mam being leady to help each and everyone professionally and personally. He is blessed with good mammbers. It does not matter for him  what subject or what age group in being taught and at what position is he. He always reepid other whether students or staff member. He is not having an attitude do as I say and not as I do . He is very accurale actually the most think a teacher could ever do is to part on motivation that is always. Indulge in extensive and intensive research prior to inform the things to other related to his profession. As always said patience in a varlive . This aspect can be clearly seen is him as he in always interested in heavy offers . The always patiently hear the student and staff members and then reach on that point . In addition he also take time to help those who are struggling to understand a particular aspect. As a good teacher never neglect the slower student  in the class- room , but rather find creative ways to help then understand the content. 

He is trustworthy also. The student parents and institution have ontrusted him to impact knowledge he teacher with sincerity and integrity.